HOW TO CATCH CORONAVIRUS...5 Guaranteed Ways To Get Sick AND Your Best Defense When You Do3/17/2020 By Katy Cable A 4 min immunity-boosting read Remember way back last week when we were all rubbing our eyes, groggy from the daylight savings time change? Sitting pissed-off in stopped traffic catching up on emails, calls and texts and noticing Friday the 13th was coming and what doom could that hold? Overnight, the CoVid19 pandemic has become, for nearly all of us, the most unprecedented event in our lifetimes. Not only do we have a rapidly spreading, highly contagious pandemic to contain but the financial devastation may be an even more deadly side-effect. Two weeks ago, my blog covered the unfolding Coronavirus crisis in Italy. Since then, the number of reported cases worldwide has more than doubled. In my blog I stated that most of us will be exposed to the Coronavirus and the chances of catching it or carrying it are likely. The chances of dying from it are much, much lower UNLESS...You’re at high risk due to old age or an underlying condition. Some of those being heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and weakened immune systems. OHHHHH NOOOO! That’s 90% of Americans. We’re ticking time bombs stuffing our faces with processed junk, drugs, alcohol, sugar, and Vape pens. We spend every waking hour picking up any “gig” or “side-hustle” we can find in an effort to cover rent, medical costs, student loans, and hopefully eek out a little fun. We are overworked and under-insured (-if insured at all.) Most of us are either small business owners or independent contractors with zero benefits. In the last week, this pandemic has shut down restaurants, bars, events and pretty much ALL SOCIAL ANYTHING. The stock market is falling like a lead balloon and people are in a complete panic. I too was in a panic. I have no income while events are cancelled and stores closed. I‘m worried about my neighbors and friends many of whom work in travel and leisure industries. I’m worried I’ll go CRAZY with cabin fever. My husband and I might drive each other NUTS and get so SICK OF EACH OTHER after being housebound, we may kill each other long before CoVid 19 🤪! In all seriousness, I have learned. I had a serious condition last summer that brought me to my knees. I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune disease that attacks my thyroid.) I was able to heal myself and bounce back with a whole foods diet, limiting carbs and sugar, meditation and 8 hours of sleep and meditation. So, after my tips on what NOT TO DO, I will share a plan of attack to keep you healthy and out of fear. Lastly, you will find helpful links and information specifically for dog owners. plus, common questions answered. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this crisis. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Pugs and 😘 kisses! -Katy & Olive FIVE SURE-FIRE WAYS TO CATCH
🦠CORONA VIRUS🦠 NUMBER 5: Lock your dog in quarantine in another area of the house since they carry germs. NUMBER 4: Call every last one of your scared, “doom-and-gloom” “glass half-empty” friends and discuss this situation at length. NUMBER 3: Count every last dime, double check your investment portfolio and retirement fund value which is melting line a snow-cone in July. NUMBER 2: Stay under the covers watching TV news all day, flipping channels to make sure you’re informed and “on top of this crisis!” AND THE NUMBER ONE WAY TO CATCH CORONAVIRUS: Stand in long lines for several hours at Cosco, Walmart, TraderJoe’s (or any other grocery store) in the cold pouring rain, (or worse, in the checkout line) with a death grip on the handle of the filthy grocery cart you were fortunate enough to snag. Try to avoid contaminated air droplets while fighting for the last can of SPAM or “bargain bin” fruitcake leftover from Christmas. Try not to go into a full blown anxiety attack as you realize you don’t have enough food to get through the week much less this pandemic. FIVE BEST THINGS TO DO TO STAY 💪🏽STRONG and POSITIVE:😃 1. STAY HEALTHY. This is the reason we have immune systems. TO FIGHT ILLNESS and HEAL. Broken bones heal, chipped nails grow, hair grows, blemishes clear, we recover from colds and flu. Keep your machine in top running condition. Our bodies are just like luxury automobiles. Treat them as such! You wouldn’t give a prize race horse mac-and-cheese, put high octane fuel in your tank too! There are so many vitamins and minerals in fresh, whole unprocessed foods. Eat more salads, veggies, fruits, nuts, fish and lean meats. Probiotics and fermented foods such as pickles, yogurt, goat’s milk, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, & sauerkraut flood healthy bacteria into the gut to fight illness. 2. HYDRATE: drinking water flushes your entire body and allows it to function. Don’t leave germs stagnating in there. Set your Apple watch to remind you to sip water throughout the day. 3. GET A PET. This is a perfect time to CLEAR THE SHELTERS. Having a new pet to love and care for will fill your heart with love. It will give you a purpose. If you can’t adopt, foster. Just call ahead since most shelters have adoptions by appointment only. Getting out in the fresh air walking a dog plus training/caring for a pet will be one of the best things to cheer you up and boost immunity. 4. BE MINDFUL. Attitude is everything. During these stressful times be careful about what you put in your head. Stress, panic and worry tax your immune system. At the same time, a good belly laugh, petting a dog, reading a good book, calling a friend and doing a kind deed for another will build up your morale and immunity. Are there some fun things you have wanted to do but never have time? Take an online course, write your memoirs, paint, clean out your closet, plant a garden. 5. Make a routine and a daily plan. I begin each day with 30 minutes of meditations on the app: Insight Timer. I then vent my feelings by writing 3 pages in my journal. followed by writing 3 pages of gratitude. I limit my social media to 30 minutes with uplifting, positive friends and PETS. I then go out on one of many walks with my dog RAIN or SHINE and go through the alphabet finding something I’m grateful for with each letter. FEAR IS REAL but stay in the here and now! I almost had a nervous breakdown when the President said this “shelter-in-place” may last well into August. After a panic, I stopped and realized today I’m fine. Today I have what I need. Today I’m healthy. I can get through the next hour and I can worry about tomorrow later. We’re all in this together and we will get through this. I would imagine we will probably have learned a crucial lesson about how we want to live our lives. IMPORTANT TIPS AND RESOURCES 🐾FOR DOG OWNERS🐾: While many of us are anxious and worried, dog owners have the comfort of knowing there is no evidence our pets can spread COVID-19 or become infected by it. That fact comes from the World Health Organization. Just because our pets are spared from COVID-19, doesn't mean life isn't changing for pet owners. Here are some things dog owners should keep in mind until coronavirus is no longer a threat. What if I HAVE BEEN exposed to or have COVID-19 and I have a dog? First, know that it's highly unlikely your dog will become sick, but as a precaution, limit your exposure to your pets. If possible, let another family member care for your dog. If that's not an option, limit your interaction with your dog and always wash your hands before and after touching and feeding your dog. Veterinarian Visits:
Even if you haven't been exposed to coronavirus, practice social distancing and handwashing when meeting with veterinarians, groomers, trainers and dog walkers. No hugs, high-fives or handshakes for now. Veterinarian Visits:
Please reach out to me if I can be if any help and I invite you to join me on social for daily posts and connection. Take care of yourself! ❤️ Pugs and 😘 kisses! -Katy & Olive |