By Katy Cable-TWR A 5 minute “healthy” read Attention Pet Parents: The Cure For Many Minor Health Issues May Be Right In Your Cupboard. If you've gone to your local pet store or vet's office looking for medications to treat common conditions you know the creams, supplements, pills, and medicated washes are pricey. So before you shell out lots of dough, here are a few tried and true home remedies that may do the trick. I recommend all dog owners keep these essentials in their home. 1. 100% Canned Pumpkin: (organic if possible) Canned pumpkin is wonderful for treating diarrhea, constipation, or an upset tummy. It's a gentle, soothing, soluble fiber that also can be used as a healthy, tasty, treat. I always stock up during the fall when all the markets have it on sale. It's harder to find and much more expensive if you need it during the month of July. You can put a few servings in the fridge and put the rest in an ice cube tray. Once it’s frozen, pop cubes in a freezer bag, thaw and use as needed. Give your dog 1 tsp. for every 10lbs of body weight, 1-2 times a day. 2. Ginger: A car sick dog can sure put a damper on an otherwise fun road trip. Next time, try giving your dog some tiny bits of fresh ginger an hour before your journey. Use 1/8 teaspoon for dogs 10lbs. and under, 1/4 teaspoon for 10-20lb. dogs and 1/2 teaspoon for 20-30lbs. Dog's over 30 lbs. can manage 3/4-1 teaspoon. Ginger is very strong so your dog might find it more palatable if you mix it in some cheese, peanut butter (make sure it doesn't contain Xylitol as a sweetener) or a little ball of canned food. Use this 1-3x's a day if needed. 3. Plain Kefir: Kefir is a fermented food that's loaded with active probiotics. It can be found in the yogurt section of most stores where the yogurt drinks are stored. Opt for the plain variety since others may contain high amounts of sugar. This makes a great meal topper or tasty little "smoothie.” During hot summer months, I pour Kefir in ice cube trays, add blueberries, then I pop it in the freezer and make "Pupsicles". Kefir is great for any dog (or cat) but can provide a big boost to those with sensitive tummies or digestive issues. Kefir also gives the immune system a jump start. Use the following as a guideline for serving amounts:
4. Coconut oil: (I recommend 100 percent organic, cold-pressed) Coconut oil is SO amazing, I’v written an entire blog with all the great benefits and uses for it. I keep huge jars of it in my home. Not only do I add this to my Olive's meals, (I swirl it in my coffee) it works wonders on minor skin problems. Pugs, especially older ones, can get crusty noses, paw pads, nails and skin patches. Massaging coconut oil on the problem area heals and moisturizers it quickly. It smells great and again, if they lick it, -no problem! If your dog has a dry coat or flaky skin, bath them with a gentle shampoo and while they're still wet, massage their coat and belly with oil. Let it absorb for a few minutes then follow with a quick rinse. Use it as a salve on hotspots, blemishes and rashes. 5. Apple cider vinegar: (Organic) Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is great for repelling fleas. Fill a spray bottle with equal parts ACV and water and give your Puggies a good spray before they race out the door. You can also spray furniture and bedding if you notice a flea problem. During peak flea season, you can add 2 cups of ACV to your dog's bath water or pour it over your freshly bathed dogs body (not head) massage in and dry. ACV is also a great solution to dip a cotton round in and clean your pup's ears. It kills yeast and bacteria and best of all it's non toxic. Although these aren't "farm grown" I highly recommend keeping these two items in your cupboard as well: *Betadine/Povidone Iodine. Don't let the big name and color scare you. This very gentle disinfectant is perfect for any skin problem. It kills staph, yeast, and a host of other nasty bacteria. The best part is: IT WON'T STING and it's completely safe if your pet licks it. You may have seen this used to treat wounds at your doctor's office or the vet's. I use this to rinse cuts, hot spots, and scratches. Simply pour some Betadine in a dish and add water until it's the color of iced tea. Dip a clean cloth in solution and wipe or dab over your pet's boo-boo. Pat it dry and give lots of love and praise. If your pet suffers from allergies, or drives you crazy licking their paws all night, I recommend washing their paws in the diluted Bentadine solution after returning home from walks or playing outdoors. You can either dip your sweetie's paws in a bowl or wipe them clean with a cloth dipped in the solution. Tons of allergens are collected in a dog's paws and those go straight into their mouths when they start licking. Rinsing off your dog's paws will go a long way towards keeping allergies at bay. * Hydrogen Peroxide: There's quite a few uses for good old hydrogen peroxide. I clean my dog's ears with this by dabbing a cotton round in it and gently removing dirt and oil. It can also be mixed with Dawn dish washing soap (or Pure Castile Soap) and baking soda if your dog gets skunked or encounters something that requires a much stronger shampoo. In a bucket, mix 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda and 2 teaspoons dish-washing liquid. (If you have a large breed dog, you may need to double, triple or even quadruple the mixture.) Apply the mixture to your dog's dry coat, massage in until the smell, oil, etc. starts to dissipate. Use a washcloth for cleaning the face and ears being extremely careful to avoid getting this in your dog's eyes. Once the smell has gone away rinse thoroughly. Use a clean wash cloth to gently rinse the face to avoid getting this in your dog's eyes. Make sure to completely rinse the solution off your dog. It may take several rinses with a cloth to thoroughly clean your dog's face. Follow-up with a final gentle shampoo and coconut oil conditioner (see above) when finished. Hydrogen Peroxide to induce vomiting: If you find your dog has eaten a no-no, HP can also be used to induce vomiting. DO NOT EVER INDUCE VOMITING without first calling your veterinarian. DO NOT EVER INDUCE VOMITING if your dog has ingested harsh chemicals like bleach or drain cleaner which can severely burn if swallowed and also if it comes back up. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING if more than 2 hours have passed since your dog has eaten something harmful. Also hold off if your dog is already vomiting, seems extremely sick or isn't able to walk around. Use 3% percent hydrogen peroxide and give 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of your dog's weight. This isn't a tasty solution so you may need to get a syringe to get it in their mouth and down the hatchet. Or you can use some ice cream, honey, or Kefir to mix it with. Then get your dog up and walking around for a few minutes and wait for it to work it's magic. If your dog doesn't vomit after 15 minutes, give them a second dose. If after another 15 minutes passes and they still haven't vomited, race them into the emergency vet. I think it's smart to take a small sample of the vomit (if possible) and don't delay in following up with your veterinarian. Again. it's always better to error on the side of caution and with any health issue. If things don't improve, and certainly if they take a turn for the worse, always consult with your vet. Here’s hoping these easy, inexpensive remedies save you enough dough to splurge on something fun. For more great tips and ideas, please follow me on social media and check out my website: Pugs & Kisses! -Katy 🐾😍 |