By, Katy Cable- TWR A 2 Minute ReadMy A NEW CURE-ALL Several years ago after a fabulous visit to Hawaii, I began swirling a heaping spoonful of organic coconut oil into my morning cappuccino. Wow! Suddenly I had a delicious cup of ALOHA! I also rubbed it into my dry, peeling, sunburned skin for immediate relief. It worked great when in a pinch I needed some hair conditioner. I also found swishing it in my mouth gave me shiny, white teeth and relieved canker sores or swollen gums. When my pug Olive began feverishly licking it off my fingers, I rubbed it on her coat, peeling nose, wrinkle folds and dry paw pads. It made a perfect moisturizer. Imagine my excitement to learn this tasty, healthy fat was now being touted the new MIRACLE CURE-ALL! CRACKING OPEN THE TRUTH I’m a HUGE fan of coconut oil and buy jars of it by the caseload! It’s by far my most viewed viral video blog. When a trusted friend sent me an article by the American Heart Association warning of the dangers of coconut oil, my own heart stopped! As I began looking into their claims, I was hit again with another major crackdown on coconuts. Dr. Karin Michels, adjunct professor at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, gave a lecture that quickly went viral. She urgently warned, “Coconut oil is pure poison and one of the worst foods you can eat!” OMG! My super cure-all was not just a bunch of hype but POISON! I suddenly felt as if I had been hit over the head by a coconut. There it was! First eggs were bad, then it was butter, now coconut oil! I looked into this with a vengeance. After reading dozens of research studies then discussing my findings with trusted professionals, I finally got my head around what was going on. So here are the hard facts in a nutshell. -A “COCO” nutshell that is! THE FACTS…IN A NUTSHELL First of all, Michel’s big issue is that coconut oil is extremely high in saturated fats. 80% to be exact. Pure lard, by comparison is only 39% Saturated fat raises bad, artery clogging LDL cholesterol. And that’s a bad kicker for your ticker! The next issue is that coconut oil (like most fats) is extremely high in calories. At 117 calories per tablespoon, every “TBS” I’m swirling in my lattes should result in more “LBS” than a Weight Watchers dropout! Hardly the WUNDERKIND weight loss tool it’s been praised to be. What Michels failed to mention is that coconut oil is a MCT (medium chain triglyceride) which melts fat like a snow-cone in July. It also contains Laurie acid which make it a powerful antioxidant. Coconut oil also produces ketones which seem to EAT cancer and fuel the brain! Coconut oil is a big staple in anti-cancer ketogenic diets. It’s also being used in some promising new Alzheimer’s research. And the list goes on and on! In addition to the issues, I received loads of comments that Michel’s claims could not be supported by cited research and she has special interest ties with big pharma. Whether that’s true or not, I know the drug companies sure don’tM want us ditching our expensive RX drugs in favor of a $7 jar of coconut oil. PET PARENTS WEIGH IN But, the astounding feedback I received was the HUNDREDS of comments on how beneficial coconut oil has been for so many people AND their pets. It’s used for everything from- swishing it in mouths (oil pulling) to rid canker sores and whiten teeth to lowering cholesterol and weight management. (See tips below) The reason I became a blogger is to take the most pressing issues pet parents have, test things out and share my experience with you. I have nothing to gain. I don’t own coconut trees or stock in coconut oil (but I may look into it!) This is what I personally use and it’s saving me lots of money. I’m healthy, my cholesterol is great and my weight has remained the same for 21 years (give or take a few pounds after those Hawaiian vacays!) Most importantly, as someone who manages a dibilitating autoimmune disease, swapping vegetable oils with coconut oil has helped keep me in remission. And the same holds true for Olive. She’s seven years old and her teeth are white, her gums are healthy. Rashes, hot spots, ear fungus even FLEAS all go away quickly when coconut oil is used! Olive’s fit, trim and athletic. She’s healthy. And she’s also COO-COO for coconuts. Next time you visit the grocery store, grab a jar or two* and start indulging. I think you’ll be amazed at the health benefits both you AND your dog can receive! (*I recommend only buying organic cold pressed coconut oil and not imitations!) 20 Amazing Uses For Coconut Oil🥥 FOR THE SKIN/COAT: 1. Coconut oil makes a wonderful lotion that increases tolerance to harmful sun rays. -A safe, natural sunscreen. 2. Gives your pet a glossy, shiny, healthy coat. 3. Helps heal minor skin abrasions and irritations. 4. Kills topical yeast and fights candida. 5. Reduces itching, redness, irritation. 6.. Soothes eczema & psoriasis. 7. A perfect moisturizer for paws, nose and ears. 8. A great anti-aging facial moisturizer. 9. A simple, natural flea repellent. 10. Natural anti-bacterial skin cream. IMMUNITY/HEALTH BENEFITS: When ingested daily coconut oil: 1. Reduces hair balls & shedding. 2. Can help relieve allergy symptoms. 3. Can help regulate/improve insulin levels. 4. Boosts energy 5. Protects the liver from toxic antibiotic drugs. 6. It’s high lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metabolism and speeds weight-loss. 7. Improves digestion 8. Can be ingested to speed recovery time from UTI's 9. Speeds healing of fungal infections. AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST: 10. There is some evidence that regular ingestion of coconut oil and the beneficial fats it contains are part of anti-inflammatory diets used to help prevent or reverse: Alzheimers/Autism/Cancer/Depression/Arthritis and other diseases. So Dr. Michels, put that in your cup and swirl it! Now who wants to grab their dog and come join me for a coconut cappuccino! 🌴Pugs and 😘 kisses! -Katy 🐾Katy Cable is a former actress appearing in “Back To The Future” and starring in the TV series: “Safe At Home” & “ Fired Up!” In addition to her dog health & lifestyle blog/vlog: The Weekly Runt, ( she’s a contributing writer to numerous publications including Thrive Global, & The Huffington Post. Cable lives at the beach with her husband, Rick and her rescue Pug, Olive.🐾 |